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Fear To Victory, Overcoming COGIC Clergy Sexual Abuse Pt. 1
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Fear To Victory, Overcoming COGIC Clergy Sexual Abuse Pt. 1
Fear To Victory, Overcoming COGIC Clergy Sexual Abuse Pt. 3
For The First Time Hear SURVIVORS of COGIC Clergy Sexual Abuse Tell Their Own Story
For The First Time Hear SURVIVORS of COGIC Clergy Sexual Abuse Tell Their Own Story
Since 2007 this ministry has worked hard to fight for and give voice to the victims of sexual abuse and clergy sexual sins within the Church Of God In Christ. In 2011 Elder D.L. Foster of ReportCOGICAbuse.com and myself conducted a 2 part interview ( COGIC Issues Pt. 1, COGIC Issues Pt. 2) regarding the level and depth of victimization that had taken place within our church. One of the areas that was addressed was the church's failure to acknowledge those who have been victimized by the ungodly actions of certain individuals who simply lived contrary to their faith by failing to understand the standard of responsibility that they were supposed to have maintained by shepherding the flock of God and protecting those members of it at all times.
1 Pet. 5:2-3 ~ "2-Feed the flock of God
which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but
willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 3-Neither as being lords
over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock."
Although we are are glad that the church has taken steps to assure that leaders are properly screened and vetted before becoming COGIC pastors and representative leaders, and for what is called a "zero-tolerance policy" against sexual harassment and abuse, we are yet saddened because of the continued culture of silence that exists as it pertains to how the abused are treated, and the overall official church response to such issues of vital importance. Plainly speaking, it seems that the church feels, that it is better to avoid the victims all together, saying nothing to them or their families in any official capacity and, on occasion, writing a check to make victims go away, rather than pouring the healing salve of Jesus.
Over 20 Years In The Making
Needless to say, being unresponsive to victims that have endured hardships and pains, much of which may never fully be told, is a second victimization of those that have been damaged by clergy sexual sins. This victimization is a deafening silence in response to accusations, and failure to act swiftly in the removal of those who have engaged in criminal activity.