At a recent high school journalism convention no less, Daniel "Mr. Tolerance", and self proclaimed "Faggot" Savage, took the opportunity, along with tax payer dollars, to terrorize and indoctrinate youth on his thoughts regarding closely held religious beliefs, not only twisting scriptures totally out of context and providing plenty of false biblical interpretations, but also calling biblical admonitions against homosexuality "bull-s***t" that should be ignored. Remember this is the President's national anti-bullying adviser.
THANK GOD for all the BOLD & BRIGHT STUDENTS that walked out on his utter PROFANE GARBAGE!!! Let the crap be relegated to the SEWER where it belongs!!!
If he had gone to someone who actually studied the bible for it's real message, instead of those who promote propaganda to justify their sins, (aka: Sam Harris or any of the modern irrational atheists and such like) he would have known that the bible does not endorse slavery, especially the chattel slavery that his forefathers more than likely practiced within the United States. Conveniently he fails to mention is that "Origin Of The Species, By Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favored Races In The Struggle For Life" is the materialist myth chalk full of racist and sexist assertions all in the name of science.
What's equally as important, is this how tax payer education dollars are being spent? If a Christian took the time to waylay the Quran, there would have been outrage. If a Christian or other person of faith pronounced and explained biblical admonitions against homosexuality, there would be a stark condemnation, but where is the condemnation against this?
Let's see,
When it's against the bible and religion in general, it's called Freedom of speech
When it supports the bible against modern immorality including that of homosexuality, it's called religious bigotry???
OK, now we see what the definition of tolerance really is for those claiming a more peaceful, humanitarian and intellectually fulfilling path of modern moral relativism.
The fact is that we certainly can see the light...the question is can Savage see the anything but himself and his own ignorance???