Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Youth S.O.S!

We Must Rescue Our Youth

"We're not animals. We're not savages.
We're students and we're trying to achieve,"
Maritza Morales
Richmond High student

Richmond High School in Richmond, CA. has become the center of attention over the last week but not in the way that either it's citizens or the rest of America would have liked.

One would not have thought that a school Homecoming celebration would take on a criminal tone and be froth with what could be considered the most animalistic and degrading treatment of a fellow human being in recent times.

According to, It was at a school homecoming that a 15 year old girl had her human dignity stripped away from her while as many as 20 or more people looked on with amusement. This was heinous crime that needs our attention as the church and as a community of believers. It is our time to rise and go back to what we know that works and the only thing that will deliver our youth and families from the whims of human moral relativism and the dank and dark depths and capacity of sin found within the human heart without Christ as savior.

Because of this I have enclosed a special message that I hope will encourage you to be and further become a part of the solution to this degeneration and decay of human value that is all too prevalent and observable within our communities. Please be encouraged: (Click on POSTS at the bottom of the player and then click the message to play it in its entirity)

****The Special Broadcast Program Can Now Be Heard HERE ****

So far there have been approximately 5 arrests and a host of individuals identified that were simply perverted , spineless onlookers who found pleasure in the degradation of a fellow human being.  Video and tape sales won't help us past this one...we don't need personality, we need Jesus! Let us engage in prayer for this young lady who from all accounts was a good person and regardless of that was a person who certainly did not deserve to be demoralized and dehumanized in this way. May the grace, peace and strength and healing power of the Lord Jesus be with her now like never before! Amen.


Further Details Mercury

Larry D. Trotter: "I Was At Death's Door"

1/18/2013: For those seeking information on the "Baby Bathtub Scandal", Bishop Trotter's response can be found HERE. We will have NO ARTICLE regarding the issue.  The Dunamis Word DOES NOT ascribe to the terrible internet GOSSIP currently circulating regarding the situation in general, however we can make no sense of why a grown man would be bathing with a child under any circumstance. 


This article is not filled with bold faced assertions and character assassination is not the object. The object is to examine the conflict between the understanding and application of holiness in the life of many 21st Century leaders.

An Interview With The Bishop

Leadership, is one of the greatest jobs a person can have. Whether it's leading a crew of employees in secular employment or leading a team to competition and victory. The greatest and most exhaustive type of leadership is spiritual leadership. It's often thankless and strenuous. Many desire the accolades that leadership sometimes brings but few want the responsibility or criticisms that comes along with it.

Recently I come across a leader that has a long history within the church and decided to take a listen and hear for myself what he had to say. I can't tell you enough how surprised I was to hear some of what I heard and also how relived I was to hear some things especially if his accounting was true. So far as the content and even my assertions, one can judge for themselves and feel free to express your opinions if you would like.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Unnaturally Selected, 150 Years Of Deception

Before We Get Started:

We have had some recent and good discussion regarding science, evolution and evolutionary theory on this blog. This will likely be my last post in the series. The other posts can be located as follows:

Until recently even the radicals have been fairly behaved and welcomed. Those whom we've come to know as regulars are yet welcomed, and new individuals willing to respectfully engage are certainly encouraged to provide their insights, but the charlatans that think that ad hominems are basis for debate, or that can't read what is directly addressed, can crawl back into the pit of primordial slime from which they believe they have arrived. Those individuals are certainly not welcomed. But for the rest, atheist and theist alike, who simply love true dialogue and debate, and want to get to the truth of the issues, let us press on.

150 Years Of Deceit

As we run headlong into the 150th anniversary of the Magnum Opus of Charles R. Darwin's "On The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural Selection Or The Preservation Of Favored Races In The Struggle For Life (Yes, Favored Races, namely and more specifically them that are WHITE- and they continue to say he wasn't racist-go figure!)
There is a WHY to life and that why is  not in natural processes but in Jesus Christ!  As Christians we are becoming equipped to both understand evolutionary arguments and also put down evolutionary rhetoric and dogmas which have made their rounds, deceiving many into believing that both man and ape share what is called a common ancestor. In fact the Darwinian evolutionary theory of common descent is that all biological beings share this common ancestor, and over time, through process of natural selection, mutation and what is otherwise considered blind process, there have been branches upon branches of species and phyla created to produce this wonderful world of diversity and what we call life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Hate Crimes" Legislation, Presidential Approval Of The Gay Agenda

This Is What God Says:

Leviticus 18:22-30 ~ 22-THOU SHALT NOT LIE with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination. 23-Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it [is] confusion. 24-Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25-And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. 26- Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit [any] of these abominations; [neither] any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: 27-(For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which [were] before you, and the land is defiled;) 28-That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that [were] before you.  29-For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit [them] shall be cut off from among their people. 30- Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that [ye] commit not [any one] of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I [am] the LORD your God.

This Is What The President Obama Says:

"My expectation is that when you  look back on these years, you will see a time in which we put a stop to discrimination against gays and lesbians whether in the office or on the battlefield. You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognized relationships between two men or two women, are just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman."

On Oct. 10,2009 President Barack Obama said these words to a warm and welcoming cheer from the crowd of about 3,000 at the annual dinner of the Human Rights Campaign, (HRC) a gay rights advocacy group which we have detailed on this site. In fact gay advocate, Harry Knox, current member of the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships was the former director of the HRC until Presidential appointment in April of this year.

In one of the most shocking parts of the President's speech he single handedly and in one sentence exalted gay and lesbian relationships to "admirability". Not only are the immoral relationships of homosexual unions out of the closet, they have taken center stage and are now touted as being something worth aspiring to. This means that homosexual relationships are, in the minds of many leaders of our country, at least equally as desirable as heterosexual ones. What has happened? This indicates a paradigm shift of morality, from objective values to culturally commensurate and relative values. Plain and simple the winds of CHANGE has shifted from the absolute truth of the God's word to a standard that is both socially and culturally acceptable and ever changing.

On Military Service

"I will end 'don't-ask-don't tell,'"..."We should not be punishing patriotic Americans who have stepped forward to serve the country,"..."We should be celebrating their willingness to step forward and show such courage and selflessness on behalf of their fellow citizens ... especially when we are fighting two wars."...I will end don't-ask-don't tell, that's my commitment to you."

Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell was the tag name of the law was passed by Congress in 1993 and signed by President Bill Clinton. The act prohibits any homosexual or bisexual person from disclosing his or her sexual orientation or from speaking about any homosexual relationships, including marriages or other familial attributes, while serving in the United States armed forces. President Obama said that he's working with Pentagon and congressional leaders on ending the policy so that gays can serve openly in the military without fear of reprisal or discharge.

The question is do the straight men and women that serve in the military mind taking showers with and bunking with individuals who are openly gay? Is there a psychology that comes along with these type of associations that make it difficult for both the straight and homosexual person? Will there be a greater risk on the battlefield for a homosexual than for a straight individual.? Will the homosexual receive preferential treatment in advancements and promotions?

I'll deal with some of these questions in the racism & the struggle for equal rights below.

On Marriage
"And I've called on congress to repeal the so called defense of marriage act and and to pass the domestic partners benefit and obligations act."
The HRC was one of the major advocates for repealing Prop. 8 in California and suffered a black eye at the hand of what they considered to be the "religious right". Since then 7 states plus DC have joined the ranks of legalized gay marriage bringing the total to 9 states plus DC. This is working according to the plans of the gay activist movement and in particularly groups such as Gay And Lesbian Advocate Defenders (GLAD) and Lambda Legal. who have aggressive plans to make homosexual marriages legal across the United States.

With that comes child indoctrination. As homosexual marriages become legal, and because we currently allow a system of federally controlled education, text books and syllabuses must be changed to reflect the laws of the land. This has happened, and will continue to happen as parents find that they have no rights when it comes to protecting their children in the public education setting. I've documented one such case HERE in Massachusetts which is the "gold standard" for homosexual educational rights.

President Obama has further committed and deeply entrenched himself himself into the homosexual agenda. From the Presidential Web site the further plans are open for everyone to view:

"President Obama also continues to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity. He supports full civil unions and federal rights for LGBT couples and opposes a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. He supports repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in a sensible way that strengthens our armed forces and our national security, and also believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation."

Racism & The Struggle For Equal Rights

Is the struggle against racism and for homosexual rights equated? In my opinion absolutely NO. Homosexuality DOES NOT equal the struggle for racial equality although the struggle for social acceptance follows the a similar path.

The critic says that in all of those questions that were asked above, we can simply remove homosexual and insert Black. Those were similar considerations when Blacks were allowed to serve in the proverbial "white man's" army? But is that really the case?

Being Black is certainly nothing that can be changed neither can it be repressed although many try. Black is something that is beyond an individuals choice "to do" and one cannot vacillate between being black and or any other color. In fact once a person IS Black they cannot become any other race or nationality. most say that 1% of blood that is Black is Black forever no matter how bleached it may be.

Similarly to my Grandmother who was 100% Chippewa. By all accounts she looked like a white woman. She married a Black man. When that happened,  her future children, as fair skinned as they would be, were no longer considered Indian (except by the gov't & casino industry) They were considered Black. In fact when my father showed up at the job at General Motors in Detroit, MI., light skinned and as much straight hair as he wanted to have, his skin was yet a half hue darker than white, and immediately my Grandmother, as faithful and good worker as whe was lost her job.

Sexual Choice

You see, all sex is a choice. Although many feel sex is an uncontrollable urge, it's really a choice. Love is also a choice and it is a spiritual venture not meant to be controlled by feelings (as it often is) or emotions (as is the modern standard). Homosexuality is not subject to the constraints of God and is a violation of his word. Plain and simple. It is a sin, along with heterosexual sin, and one must be saved or delivered from sexual sins IF that is one's propensity. I have written about a much argued point on Homosexuality In The New Testament HERE. FYI: God still does not favor homosexuality and it is still a sin.

Be it known, as I have stated clearly before on this blog, no person deserves to be discriminated against in employment, housing or the right to live and pursue freedom because they are homosexual. The reason is because homosexuality is not an illegal activity under the law (at least in most places). Homosexuality has advanced in the American Psychiatric Association (APA) definitions, and was declassified as a mental disorder in 1973. All disciplines soon followed. 

However the doors are open to members and advocates of other so called "sexual minorities" such as pedophiles and the incestuous, who are making the statement and asking the question, "I'm think I'm normal, why not make my sexual lifestyle legal?"

I'm sure that Warren Steed Jeffs is claiming that polygamy and pedophilia have not been give a fair hearing, and that he should not be in jail, not only because he's God's messenger, but also because he's simply a "sexual minority". Then there's movie mogul Roman Polanski who certainly feels unfairly treated especially since the young lady he sexually assaulted 10 years ago was 13 years old. He knows that the legal age of sexual consent in the Netherlands is 12, (see note below) and that America is just plain ole unfair.


President Obama ended his speech by saying,
"Thank you for the work you're doing, God bless you, God bless America!"
The reality is how can we ask God to bless us when we endorse something contrary to his nature, his will and his word? How can that be blessed of God?

God has spoke and the President has spoken. Who's words will you follow and believe?

For me I'll conclude by saying this:

Joshua 24:15 ~ "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, we will serve the LORD."


Should We Be Alarmed About Hate Crimes Legislation?
Read HERE and then read HERE.

The Netherlands has no sodomy laws, the age of sexual consent is 16 for all, sex between an adult and a young person between the ages of 12 and 16 is permitted by law, as long as the young person consents. It may only be prosecuted by complaint from the young person or the young person’s parents. The question remains whether the public prosecutions department would proceed to prosecute if the young person themself had consented and their parents filed the complaint.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

COGIC Victims Advocacy, Essential, Necessary & Urgent Pt. 2

As a subsequent article to our initial post COGIC Victims Advocacy, Essential, Necessary & Urgent Pt. 1 , on 10/15/2009 Charisma Magazine Online featured the work of Pastor D. L. Foster of GCMWatch in bringing attention to what has been considered by many, including myself, to be unchecked immoral and criminal behavior among some fellow COGIC ministry brethern.

In the Charisma article Pastor Foster points toward the newly established web site created to assist COGIC victims of sexual abuse in the healing process with spiritual support as well as poignant advice on how to proceed to rectify problems or file complaints in the event of criminal activity. The site is known as The site is not sponsored or run by the national church but is certainly endorsed by this ministry and many other COGIC ministries across the country. Whether the General Board Of Bishops knows it or not there is an outcry across the nation for the healing of God's people.  

As stated in the previous article, on an unsolicited basis, I personally undertook the opportunity to address the glaring problems that COGIC faced and continues to face from the improprieties of some of it's clergy. In fact my proposal, presented to the highest officials of our church, covered a period of 20 years in which time various elders and ministers and Bishops engaged in improper sexual activity and criminal behaviors. These crimes were documented and in many cases resulted in the perpetrators receiving the full weight of penalty under the law. In some cases individuals died before prosecution could begin and no restitution was ever made.

One such case that did not escape the courts was that of Supt. Leon Dupree of New York. This Elder was charged with rape, burglary and assault with a weapon purportedly done to one of the members of his former church in 1988. Here's the summary from the news report regarding his crime:
[Rome] Daily Sentinel 5/28/88
Rev. Leon Dupree, 47, pastor of Lily of the Valley Church of God in Christ in Rochester, NY, is charged with first degree sexual assault and first degree burglary of a 26 year old woman. She said he was armed with a hammer and struck her with a screwdriver. Dupree was convicted of second degree manslaughter in a 1978 drunken driving fatality and served time in state prison.
Not only did Elder Dupree kill someone before he was saved (I assume) he faced conviction as a rapist and a burglar while he was a pastor. Now a fair question is was he convicted? In response to that, there is no statement from Elder Dupree in any venue proclaiming his innocence. That may be an argument from silence in lieu of court records, but in this case it's pretty powerful. To the heart of the matter, Elder Dupree is currently Pastoring a new and reorganized church called New Visions Community COGIC and his church is in the jurisdiction of General Board member Bishop Frank O. White, which for some reason was absolutely unavailable both in person, phone and fax when my proposal was sent to his fellow Presidium members.

Now the problem with this is NOT that Elder Dupree can repent, serve time and make restitution, as he did at least once previously. Thank God IF he has been restored. The problem is the "IF", and the shuffle.

Does Science Presuppose Atheism?

"I toyed with atheism from the age of about nine, originally because I worked out that, of all the hundreds of religions in the world, it was the sheerest accident that I was brought up Christian. They couldn’t all be right, so maybe none of them was. I later reverted to a kind of pantheism when I realised the shattering complexity and beauty of the living world. Then, around the age of 16, I first understood that Darwinism provides an explanation big enough and elegant enough to replace gods. I have been an atheist ever since." [Richard Dawkins You Ask The Questions Independent February 20 2003]

The Problem

As mentioned in the post The Rottweiler Who Lost His Teeth & His Mind, and later questioned in Is Evolution Science? It seems that modern scientific theory comes with an automatic presuppositional bias against theism in general. This bias is constructed on the chassis of methodological naturalism, which primarily deals with how one gains "trustworthy" knowledge or information from the natural or material world in which we live. This is called epistemology.

Usually, along with the proposition of methodological naturalism, comes a stance know as Metaphysical Naturalism, which focuses on what actually exists within the natural world and makes bold statements of what doesn't exist within the natural world. This is called ontology. Both of these constructs usually lend themselves to anti-super-naturalism, which is the belief that there is no outside intervention in the present day world from any source and specifically the source called God. I've discussed that topic and the flaws of that sort of reasoning in depth HERE. The backbone of all of this sort of thinking is atheism (the denial of the existence of God).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Dunamis Word On Satellite & Internet Radio

Thank God For HIS Goodness & Opportunity!

Pastor Harvey Burnett & The  Dunamis Word will be broadcast on satellite and simulcast on Internet radio beginning Saturday morning Oct. 17th 2009 at 9:30 AM CST. The broadcast will also be available for replay by Gcast.

The satellite stations carrying the broadcast will be Galaxy 19, Glory Star and SpiritCast. You can get to the live Internet stream link at Universal Christian Radio . Simply click the appropriate download speed for your computer.

As previously mentioned for those who miss the initial broadcast, the program will be saved and available on GCast. The GCast link will be  posted to this site.  We will deal with topics ranging from Christian faith and practice to post modern Christian culture, evangelism and apologetics.

Pastor Burnett will be interested in prayer requests and addressing listener inquiries. To suggest a topic please email at Also remember to continue to pray for this ministry as we expand to fulfill the mission of Christ and meet the needs of God's people.

Luke 10:2 ~ "Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly [is] great, but the labourers [are] few: pray ye therefore the LORD OF THE HARVEST, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is Evolution Science?

I: Evolution ~ Philosophical Metaphysical Naturalism

"May not a future generation well ask how any scientist, in full possession of his intellectual faculties and with adequate knowledge of information theory could ever execute the feat of cognitive acrobatics necessary to sincerely believe that a (supremely complex) machine system of information, storage and retrieval, servicing millions of cells, diagnosing defects and them repairing them in a teleonomic Von Newman machine manner, arose in randomness-the antipole of information"~Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith (Triple Doctorate) Huxley Memorial Lecture at the Oxford Union, Oxford University 2/14/1986

Dover, PA. 2005 Definition Of Science:

In the case where Intelligent Design (ID) was being taught in Public schools as science, the court held that the school board violated the establishment clause and that ID was no  more than  creationism repackaged. The court also held to the  validity of science according to the standards of the National Academy of Science's definition and said the following:

"As the National Academy of Sciences (hereinafter "NAS") was recognized by experts for both parties as the "most prestigious" scientific association in this country, we will accordingly cite to its opinion where appropriate. (1:94, 160-61 (Miller); 14:72 (Alters); 37:31 (Minnich)). NAS is in agreement that science is limited to empirical, observable and ultimately testable data: "Science is a particular way of knowing about the world. In science, explanations are restricted to those that can be inferred from the confirmable data – the results obtained through observations and experiments that can be substantiated by other scientists. Anything that can be observed or measured is amenable to scientific investigation. Explanations that cannot be based upon empirical evidence are not part of science." ( P-649 at 27)."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Rottweiler Who Lost His Teeth & His Mind

Genesis 2:7 ~ "And the LORD GOD FORMED MAN [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

"This is not an anti-religious book"..."God, to repeat this point, which ought to be obvious, but isn't, never made a tiny wing in his eternal life."

Young Earth creationists are, he writes, "deluded to the point of perversity"..."all but the woefully uninformed are forced to accept the fact of evolution".

Atheist and evolutionary evangelist Dr. Richard Dawkins recently sought to advance evolution and do his part to stamp out creationism with the presentation of what he calls the "facts of evolution" in his new book 'The Greatest Show On Earth'. The author of several books, the most recent being "The God Delusion" in which he claimed that all Christians were deluded for believing in God.

In this book, though leveling insults at Christians, especially those who believe in the Old Testament and the creation narratives, in almost every chapter, Dr. Dawkins has supposedly "evolved" to believe that belief in evolution and belief in God are incompatible relationships. He recently said this to
"No, I don't think they're incompatible (belief in God & evolution) if only because there are many intelligent evolutionary scientists who also believe in God—to name only Francis Collins [the geneticist and Christian believer recently chosen to head the National Institutes of Health] as an outstanding example. So it clearly is possible to be both. This book more or less begins by accepting that there is that compatibility. The God Delusion did make a case against that compatibility in my own mind."
Two things are for sure, similar to his predecessor, Charles Darwin, Dr. Dawkins does not deal with 'first life' (how life first began) within any of his theories. In fact he would rather claim that we came from 'aliens' than attribute life on this planet to God. Secondly Dr. Dawkins is frustrated that large numbers of the general populous doubt whether evolution actually does what it claims. The  problem is that more and more scientists  are realizing that the human  genome and the universe and life in general is far too complex to simply have arisen by the process of time, environmental conditions and random chance as the "theory" of evolution holds. 

When combined with the fact that there is no modern archaeological evidence of any transitional form between humans, apes or chimps and their supposed common ancestor, (which Dr. Dawkins says really isn't necessary for evolution to be true-wouldn't ya know it?) the theory of evolution is being quickly reconsidered, repackaged and rethought on almost every front.

The Beginnings

What began 150 years ago in approximately 1859 with naturalist scientist Charles Darwin (2/12/1809- 4/19/1882) quickly became the 'rational man's' way to think of his origins and relive himself of any connection or responsibility to or with God or a creator.  Probably developed with many of the underpinnings of his Grandfather Erasmus Darwin, who was an materialist evolutionist, the theory of evolution, would change the approach to understanding the world that we live in. The backbone of his theory was to repudiate the idea that divine assistance was necessary for any apparent design in the origin of the species or humankind. Please keep this in mind: Darwin’s claim was that all species are modified descendants of a common ancestor. This is called the theory of Common Descent.  Important note: The theory of evolution as set forth by Darwin does not deal with first life (how life came to be) it merely deals with how existing life changes into new species and manifests itself. This is a point often misunderstood by most creationists or those who hold to a biblical worldview of the origin of life. This proves to be the most fatal self-inflicted wound of evolutionary theory as we will see in this writing.