Various Items Of Interest

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Legacy Of Atheism's Queen

Please see my initial summary of some aspects of atheist thought on Dunamis 2 by clicking here.

"Atheism is based upon a materialist philosophy, which holds that nothing exists but natural phenomena. There are no supernatural forces or entities, nor can there be any. Nature simply exists." ...

"Materialism compels faith in the human intellect, in the power of knowledge in man's ability to fathom all the secrets of nature and to create a social system based upon reason and justice. Materialism's faith is in man and his ability to transform the world by his own efforts."
(4/1919 to {Dissapearance} 9/1995 Body Identified in 3/2001)
Quotes from Eighth Annual Convention of the American Rationalist Federation, on 25 August 1962

Madalyn Murray O'Hair (pictured above, left) was the founder Of American Atheists. She constantly challenged and publicly debated religious leaders and public figures on a variety of issues. She described herself as a "sexual libertarian" and stated that children in sixth grade (about 12 years old) should be given sex education and allowed to have intercourse without supervision or restriction. She felt that relationships between people, such as emotional or sexual relationships, were not open to any kind of supervision by other people and especially not by the government.

O'Hair is best known for her acts in the landmark lawsuit she brought against school prayer in Murray v. Curlett which led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling which ended the practice of daily prayer in American public schools.

Her effort was not the only effort against prayer in public schools. Charles B. Reynolds had years earlier been tried for blasphemy for teaching atheism and later was successful in getting the Attorney General in the State of Washington to eliminate prayer and religious teachings from public schools as early as the late 1800’s and early 1900's. Nevertheless, Ms. O'Hair's actions had the greatest and most far reaching impact on the landscape and climate of the modern public school system as it pertains to issues of religion, prayer, and curriculum.

What Happens When God Is Asked To Leave?

Psalms 9:16
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Our children have been under attack on almost every hand. Drugs, (both prescription and unlawful) Sexually Transmitted Disease, Teenage Pregancy, Absentee Fatherism, Broken Families, School Truancy are only but a few reminders of what many of our children must face every day and struggle through without having the ability to stop and call on the name of the Lord in an open and public manner. Somehow the Bible and religious cirriculum including Intelligent Design (which has more educational value, more sound science and more plausability than darwinism) has, through the legal process, been OUTLAWED and named as contraban among most educational institutions.

Many claim that the Constitutional Justification for this is solid. Either way, I believe that we are observing the results of humanities effort to remove God from our educational system and from public life in general. Like a cyst or cancer that may take years to fully metastasize and deveolp into a life threatening circumstance, I believe that the Atheist and Humanist agenda to eliminate, curse and ridicule God is having a devastating effect on all levels of life within the United States and especially upon the lives of our children, families and educational systems.

February has proven to be a devastating month for public higher eduaction. This certainly has had an effect on the assurance of security that many families took for granted as they sent their children and loved ones off to school to hopefully secure a degree and associated higher earnings potential. The following is a summary of the unexpected events that have occurred upon many of our college students and at many of our institutions of higher learning in recent history:
  • Feb. 14, 2008: A former graduate student at Northern Illinois University in Dekalk opens fire in a lecture hall, killing seven students and wounding 20 others. He then commits suicide. Police have not yet found a motive but preliminary reports say that the assailant was off anti-depression medication against doctor's orders.
  • Feb. 8, 2008: Latina Williams, 23, opens fire during an emergency medical technology class at Louisiana Technical College in Baton Rouge, killing Karsheika Graves and Taneshia Butler. She then kills herself. Police have not yet found a motive or motivation, only that Latina had called a suicide hotline saying that she was going to committ suicide.
  • Dec. 13, 2007: Two Ph.D. students from India are found shot to death in a home invasion at an apartment on the campus of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
  • Oct. 1, 2007: University of Memphis football player Taylor Bradford, 21, who had been rumored to have won more than US$3,000 at a casino, is fatally shot on campus in a botched robbery. Four men are later charged in the slaying, including one student.
  • Sept. 21, 2007: Two students are wounded at a late-night shooting at a campus dining hall at Delaware State University in Dover. Shalita K. Middleton, 17, dies Oct. 23 from her injuries. A student is charged in the shooting.
  • April 16, 2007: Cho Seung-Hui, 23, fatally shoots 32 people in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, then kills himself in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
  • April 2, 2007: A 26-year-old researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle is shot to death in her office by her ex-boyfriend. Jonathan Rowan, 41, then kills himself.
  • Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his two sons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, during a visit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
  • May 9, 2003: A 62-year-old man with two handguns and a bulletproof vest fires hundreds of rounds during a seven-hour shooting spree and standoff at a Case Western Reserve University building in Cleveland. One student is killed and two others are wounded. Biswanath Halder, who authorities say was upset because he believed a student hacked into his Web site, is later sentenced to life in prison.
  • Oct. 28, 2002: Failing student and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into an instructor's office at the University of Arizona Nursing College in Tucson and fatally shoots her.A few minutes later, armed with five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills two more of his instructors before fatally shooting himself.
  • Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recently dismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, returns to campus and kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled by students. The attack also wounds three female students. Odighizuwa is serving six life sentences after pleading guilty.
  • May 17, 2001: Donald Cowan, 55, fatally shoots assistant music professor James Holloway at a dorm at Pacific Lutheran University in Parkland, Washington, then turns the gun on himself. He leaves a 16-page suicide note expressing anger at a colleague of Holloway's whom he dated briefly as a teenager.
  • Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansas graduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after a decade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeing his coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide by Kelly.
  • June 28, 2000: Medical resident Dr. Jian Chen kills his supervisor and then himself in his supervisor's office at the University of Washington in Seattle. Faculty say Chen, 42, was upset.
Now, you may take exception to what I've set forth, but the facts are clear...God respects the will of man no matter how deviant that will may be. Even in that HE is yet God and omniscient within HIS creation so it can never be truely devoid of HIS presence, but HIS saving grace and protections can be rejected, leaving an opening for the devil to run rampantly in devastation and destruction.

What Do You Mean Pastor?
OUR nation has allowed Atheists and Humanists (Naturalists) to control education and philosophical thought that is produced and promoted in many of our public schools. This had had a devastating effect on mindsets and has set the stage for a continuing disintergration of values and moral accountability. The fact is that life consists of more than mere biology and we are more than material beings (in spit of what Madonna said) One of God's names is Jehovah-shalom (Jd. 6:24) meaning that God is Our Peace. Another of HIS names is Jehovah-shammah (Ez. 48:35) meaning that the Lord IS THERE. Where God is there is peace (Jn. 14:27) and true freedom (2 Cor. 3:17) Our schools have become filled with great confusion. Many are on medications (which the atheist thinks is the only cause here- biological malfunctions) among students and faculty.

We can debate whether values arise from God and HIS word to mankind (which I believe they do) but one thing is for certain, man if left alone to his own devices, will only destroy themselves and be destroyed through materialism and self centeredness.
The Late Paul Kurtz, (pictured right) author, director and founder of the Council For Secular Humanism, although NOT an atheist, (according to the technical aspects of the word only) once gave a 3 point objective to spread his godless message of materialism aka naturalism, in his editorial on his web site:
"That is why a negative atheism that seeks simply to destroy religion, without providing a positive agenda, will not in my judgment get very far. The wider platform for human progress as part of a New Enlightenment needs, I submit, to advocate secularism in the above three senses: (1) the separation of religion from the state; (2) the humanization of values that satisfy the deeper interests and needs of human beings; and (3) the decline of religious practice, entailing the growth of the Human City in place of the City of God."
Notice, the aim of the materialist is not only to assist mankind, as would be noble, but to REMOVE God and HIS principles from society in general. In other words replace the religion of God with the postmodern religion of Man. In other words, the goal of materialism is to deliver the whole of creation to the devil through flesh and carnality. Isn't that what the devil wanted from the beginning? Isn't that very same thing what he wanted from the Jesus in the wilderness? (Mt. 4:9)
Although our buildings have gotten larger and our pockets deeper, many of our churches suffer as they follow the materialist prescription for success:
  1. Focus on Self
  2. Chase Your Blessing
  3. Get Your Break Through,
  4. Seek For and Ask God For Material To Prove Your Worth and Place Within HIS Kingdom,
  5. Create Your Own Reality Through The "Power" Of Words,
  6. Live Your Best Life Now,
  7. Follow Your Destiny,
  8. Position Yourself To Prosper,
  9. Get's God's Best Now !
  10. Shape Your World etc...
Most major encouragements don't mention sin and or repentance. Some people even get tired of hearing the name of Jesus because it doesn't lead to mass marketing sales. At one point MANY leading Gospel artists refused to place the name of Jesus in their songs so that they sell more units. Today, instead of singing about God many artist simply call themselves inspirational and sing about the sun, flowers and stars.
In other words, the church is being deceived into receiving the Secularist agenda, hook, line and sinker.
Ooh yea, remeber those Gospel artists who excluded the name of Jesus so that they could become more popular?

Now, on Sunday mornings too many of our Churches are singing and dancing themselves into a stupor without demanding integrity, justice or accountability of leadership towards God.
NO. Although there's much more to discuss about this.
A root cause and contributor of much of what we're seeing in America and in our churches today?
To atheism's queen, your legacy is only a trail of death, and irrational arguments to support your presuppositions. We owe you no thanks for the further destruction of our communities...Believe that!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Celebrations, Celebrities & The Ultimate Seduction

2 Timothy 1:12-14
"For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us."

The church is confronted with a greater attack of the enemy seemingly than ever before in our history. The sheer volume of lies and apostate beliefs that the church is combating requires all of its members to be in place and to be actively engaged at every level in the struggle for survival.

The problem is that too many of us who should be in the battle find it easier to step back and allow others to do the work, open doors and set the tone for ministry. Well, sorry to say, the Celebration of Gospel aired this February was no different.

BET and the Celebration of Gospel have "celebrated" to all times heights of flat out apostasy and a redefinition of truth and righteousness. As always, the 2008 celebration was filled with all sorts of excitement, flash and all the faupas expected of a major, highly anticipated production. Top notch worldly dancing and stage-showmanship, were eclipsed by a steady flow of Gospel music that came from singers and musicians, some of whom were even actually saved.

The most disturbing moment this year ended up being and old time Gospel song by new Gospel chart topper Patti "Da Seductive Star" LaBelle.

Ms. Labelle was presented after a rousing stage show by comedian Steve Harvey in which he discussed the various uses, and marketing designs of the standard "church fan". He noted that on one side was a picture of late great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and on the other was a picture of a funeral home. It was a good routine and one that resounded with many church folk almost everywhere in the US.

Back to Patti…after receiving the microphone to do a remake of an old song from her new album, she soon swooned her way into the song "Walk Around Heaven". As usual for Patti, she began to ad lib and communicate with the audience. Soon she began to feel "the spirit" and while the crowed was swaying to the music and feelin’ it too she said, "and LUTHER will be there too, and we’ll walk around heaven all day." The audience clapped and cheered gleefully at her suggestion and the song continued.

Wait a minute…hold the Phone!


At first I thought she was talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr….but then, it occurred to me she wasn’t talking about Martin Luther. Under normal circumstance most people would have said, Dr. King or even Martin…but Luther???

Could she have been talking about the late Luther Vandross? Could she have been saying that Luther Vandross…An unsaved, HOMOSEXUAL, sin loving, singer, that died in his sins was going to go to the same Heaven that God has promised toHIS Saints that have overcome the wicked one by the Blood of Jesus and the word of their Testimony???

Could she have been saying that a rank, homosexual, man defiled, sinner, was gonna walk around heaven with her all day in the sweet by and by???
In other words, Patti revealed another way to heaven OTHER than through Jesus.

What's equally as disturbing is that she, Patti- "Da Seductive Star" Labelle SEDUCED THE CHURCH FOLK LISTENING INTO AGREEING AND ACCEPTING HER STATEMENT, and bowing themselves in agreement with of a doctrine of devils, lies and hypocrisy???



And NONE of the supposedly "anointed" Gospel people on stage or in the audience say ANYTHING???

I mean Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists, Doctors, Teachers Prophets…all on hand, and NOBODY SAID ANYTHING???

Have we lost our spiritual minds???

Or better yet…have our gospel singers celebrities, and musicians, that we have entrusted our dollars to lost theirs???

Even better, did they ever have a mind or conscience to begin with???

Now, I can understand the culture of the world and their agreement with Patti’s statement, because the world loves it’s own (Jn. 15:19)…but what I can’t understand is a room full of Christians dedicated to the cause of Christ conforming SO WILLINGLY to the world and for the love of the world sitting silently while the church's message is dematerialized before their faces. Did anyone al least declare that only the righteous would see God in peace. (Heb.12:14)

Then I thought. Have we become so bound and indebted to this world that we are ashamed to let the light of Christ shine through us and our lives? And certainly even more ashamed to take a clear stand for HIS cause.
For God’s people to sit quietly and not say anything is the ultimate form of self-centeredness and hatred toward the world and every sinner on Earth. If we know the truth, not only should we walk in it but we should help persuade others to come to the knowledge of the truth and walk in it too.
Ezekiel 3:17-22
"Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul."

However, when we desire fame, celebrity, associations and all the other things that come with sin...

Woe unto us!
The world is seeking to use the church as a tool to validate it's sins at all costs. What are we doing in response to this affront? Do we feel that we should do anything at all?
I was listening to a certain broadcaster one day as he addressed an issue encouraging his listening audience to allow the light of Christ to shine through their lives. Although he wasn’t a preacher or theologian by any means, he said something that is very reflective of the modern understanding of the individual relationship with Christ. When talking about the Light that we were to shine, the announcer called it a "flame". He went on to say, "don’t let anybody blow your little flame out." I thought to myself, that’s the problem, too many people are "flamin’" in their sins and unrighteousness instead of reflecting the light of Christ.

Church don’t "Flame", Lord knows we don't need any more "flamin individuals" in the church, but let the true Saints of God SHINE the light and love of Christ all over this world.

Mt. 5:13-16
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

I am interested to know did anyone see this little add in besides me. Did you catch it? Please let me know.
